Tuesday, May 17, 2005

As an amendment to yesterday's post, I feel confident that there are indeed living human beings, yea, even on this planet are there living human beings who are conceivably stupider than I am. Someone has to elect Republicans, don't they?

And furthermore, the only reason I felt the need to be extravagantly and publicly regretful of my involvement in the scene is that I actually want to be in it. That's right, it's a good scene, and good people, and it will be much fun; I just know that I have no time for it, so the only responsible thing to do was kvetch about it as if it's something I'm doing against my will. That way, I could avoid being open quote irresponsible close quote.

"Also, I've noticed of late that I've started using this for random ramblings as opposed to actual thoughts or ruminations on lofty ideals."
Every little while I'll notice that and make an effort to reverse it, until this truly is a concept blog instead of a diary.


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