Monday, May 09, 2005

All results of modern psychology are entirely psychosomatic.

I can imagine Jung's thought process: "I study the mind. I require a mind to study. I have a mind. I shall study mine owne minde." Within a weeke, he could have imagined himself an world of wonders on the inside of his head. Now, I'm not saying that his work is without merit; it is a very good filter through which to examine the great big general mish mash (GBGMM, scientifically) which is us.

Wonders on the inside of his head; perhaps he was an opium user. His work has that aftertaste of that one step past brilliance into the disturbing surreal that we find so often in opium users -- if we open up at random the grand book of opium-users-one-step-past-brilliance-into-surreality, we find on facing pages "Coleridge, Samuel Taylor" and "Coltrane, John". I don't know if Jung is in there too, but he would fit in well in that company.

Note: You may have noticed that my posts have a habit of evolving. If I read something on my site I don't like, I will often change it.


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