Monday, May 16, 2005

I am officially the stupidest human being on the planet.

First orff:
Remember how I finished my director's scene, and was free from twenty-one-o-clock rehearsals every night?
See, there were some good peoples who had been looking for an actor with a y-chromosome, and they really needed one, and they hadn't found one.
Enter me.
Yes, I don't have time for this, but pushover that I am, I'm in their scene now. Any sane person would have left them high and/or dry, but I am now standing in for whoever the actual actor is that never showed up.
Worst is, they're all really grateful. They don't see that I'm not exactly a catch for their scene. Sample dialogue:
Me: Sorry I couldn't be here last week.
Them: You had a scene. Anyway, better we get someone a week late than not at all.
Me: Yeah, but better you get typhoid than me a week late.

Second stnank: I have yet to find my wallet/bus pass/music machine. By music machine, I mean this snazzy little device that plays music for use on bus or in class. Lotsa folk have them, and I seem to no longer be one of them folk. I really hope these things turn up.

Off to do some work of the not-failing-English variety.


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