Wednesday, May 11, 2005

This guy said something that is well worth quoting.

Also, I am quoting that thing that he said here.

It contains language not appropriate for Catholics.

Here is that thing that I said that he said that I said was quotable and that I would quote:
When I heard they had elected a new Pope I was kind of hoping he'd be all "hey guys! Being gay is totally okay! Oh, also we are sorry for all the persecution and crusades and child molestation and stuff." I should have known that Emperor-Palpatine-lookin' motherf'er wouldn't do it, though.

Memorable quote from within the quote: I should have known that Emperor-Palpatine-lookin' motherf'er wouldn't do it, though.

When I become awake enough to write my own words, I shall begin actually making good entries again. This will probably be on the weekend, when I will sleep in and wake up a bit older, numerically.


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