Monday, April 10, 2006

Have you ever read Richard II on the internet and then realized it was four in the morning? I have.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Brands that do really well with me:
-President's Choice
-Michael Ignatieff

This isn't a comprehensive list.

So I'm really easy to market to. As long as you're really good at what you do, you're a tad not-conventional, and you can convince me you're not evil, you've basically won. If I feel that I'm superior for liking your brand, I will like your brand.

Well-meaning bunglers (political parties I like) and highly competent but possibly evil (Apple?) brands do decently.
Achewood links expanded:
Ray's Place
Ray's blog
Roast Beef's blog
Pat's blog
Téodor's blog
Philippe's blog
Cornelius' blog
Lyle's blog
Molly's blog
Onstad's blog
Nice Pete's blog
Little Nephew's blog
Emeril's blog

I didn't want you people to think it was limited to a single lonely place. By the way, Emeril's blog doubles as the hub of the world trashspotting community.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

(if I speak in parentheses I don't have to yell)

(tonight I heard a voicemail message from an excited woman in another time zone)

I keep expecting to receive a phone call from King's saying "I'm really sorry, there's been an error: the next name on the list was accepted. For you, actually, we drafted a special new form letter entitled 'Please stop wasting our time'. Good luck!"

(I apologize. excitement is unprofessional)

"these beefs are tender. and the exuberance?"